Re: Sarracenia -- trimming dead growth?

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Wed, 27 Oct 1993 16:10:39 +0800

>> I have a few _S. flava_ and _leucophylla_* growing outside (in Northern
>> California). Now that it's autumn, a lot of the growth is turning brown.
>> Should just the brown parts of pitchers be trimmed away, or do you trim
>> the whole pitcher down to the base?

CP, like other plants, can photosynthesize as long as the
leaves are green. I just trim back the dead parts. Rather
than do this now and again, I wait until the whole leave is
dead before cutting, so I do cut the whole leaf, but only after
it's dead.

You may not *need* to cut at all. If the plants are grown outdoors
the leaves will decompose over winter typically. Indoors I'd
definately trim back dead growth to prevent mould growth.
