Barry Meyers-Rice (
Fri, 22 Oct 93 09:10:26 MST

>Is the Nature Conservancy predominantly out to protect plants, animals, or
>habitats? Do they purchase land in other countries?

TNC doesn't really have a goal of plants vs. animals in their attempts.
But it is nice that unlike most other environmental groups, they do place
a heavy emphasis on saving plants. They do this by setting aside
ecologically rich (buzzword: biodiversity) areas. They've been starting
a campaign to set aside habitats as well. In South Carolina they are
trying to lock up a huge piece of land called the A.C.E. Basin. Of course,
most habitats are *big* things and it will be interesting to see how
successful this is. Incidentally, they don't purchase land so much as
grant conservation easements. And while they are based in the US, they`ve
been branching a bit into Costa Rica etc.

I like their heavy emphasis on wetlands.

>>Finally there is a description of Ron Gagliardo's operation! Complete

>What is thier opinion of him? this is not a "Most Wanted" mug shot I

No, they applauded him.

Wow. I'm dismayed to hear about the break-in that happened to David.
That is really dreadful. I'm sure he's really upset. Doug, thanks for
posting that note---it's a good cautionary tale for those of us who
have been luckier. I notice a few perhaps negative posting re:
lynchings etc. I think that while there's a whole lot of evidence
perhaps pointing to suspect #1, posting that person's name in a public
forum not have been the best choice, at least not until some official
charges have been made.

Sheesh, I bet David is *really* upset.

You know, gentle readers, this is not the first time this has happened,
and as these plants become rarer, will certainly not be the last. It
is a more common problem with orchid growers. But the rare _Nepenthes_
and (relevant for my collection) _Sarracenia_ may seduce people into
making unattended greenhouse visits. There are three things I do
do to minimize this risk:

1)Propagate propagate propagate. By freely distributing seed of
rare _Sarracenia_, I decrease the monetary or collector's value of the
plants in my collection by increasing supply.

2)Be careful of to whom you show your plants. Know your people before
you reveal your treasures. I'd be hesitant to have a mini-convention
at my house for this reason.

3)None of my plants have easily decipherable nametags. The nametags
in my pots read something like

S48 6/1990

So if someone looks at it he or she wouldn't know much about the plant.
You'd need my greenhouse notebook to know that seedling pot 48 houses
_S.rubra jonesii_---Anthocyanin-free variant that germinated june 1990.

Various mature plants are equally obscurely labelled.

It stinks when you have to do this sort of stuff, but then you hear
about what happens to David, and that stinks a lot more.