Re: Drosera identity

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Tue, 10 Aug 1993 10:19:01 +0800

>>I found an odd looking Drosera among the collection of carnivorous
>>plants in plastic domes at a hardware store. Like most of the plants
>>there it looked to be in sad shape, but alive, so I bought it. Seems
>>to like warm temperatures and bright light as it is recovering nicely.
>>I don't know what it is. It has long narrow leaves, pointed at the
>>end, that grow from a rosette. The leaves have no stem, are trap from
>>base to tip. It has a prominent midrib along the leaf. Any ideas?

Is the growth habit upright or flat? Are the leves roughly the same
width all the way, or are they shaped sort of like a pie slice?