Re: ant lions

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Mon, 26 Jul 1993 16:02:13 +0800

>>Ant-lions are the larval form of an insect. I grew some a long
>>time ago. They need a lot of ants! They ate and ate and then disappeared.
>>Poking around I found they made little sandy cocoons. They later
>>crawled out in adult form. Delicate transparent wings.

Bummer :-(. That explains why they haven't been real active
lately when I dropped the ants in. They're probably down there
now....changing... How big do the larva get? Can I get on
scorpion-size if I feed it enough :-) :-). Maybe they could
take out the gardeners who come around early with those damned
leaf blowers...
