Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Fri, 16 Jul 93 12:56:51 PDT

>>Anybody out there have N Ampullaria, or know a source for this species??

This plant is hard to get, and requires very hot conditions (80-90
degrees F) to be truly happy. I have a green form which after nearly
two years isn't a heck of a lot larger than when I got it. I recently
repotted it into new media and it's now growing again (live spaghnum
was the media of choice two years ago, but mine broke down, and I'm
now using peat/perlite/orchid bark with success).

Everyone wants N. ampullaria, but it's tough to find. I already owe
one cutting to someone, when my plant is big enough to cut.
Unfortunately the plant isn't big enough to use as standard trading
material. I don't know of anyone who's selling it. I do know of a
guy who has a couple of cuttings he's rooting, but he's saving those
for some trade or another.

With the increase in meristem culture I expect to see this plant
become more available in a few years, but that's a ways in the future.