Re: Genlisia is flowering

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Tue, 29 Jun 93 15:04:53 PDT

>>Rob, light intensity drops very fast the farther you get from an artificial
>>light (too bad Barry isn't here to give us the equation!). Three feet will

If I recall correctly from Astronomy 1A in college (hey, I can bond with
Barry!) light intensity is inversly proportional to the cube of the
distance or somesuch.

>>result in a considerable reduction in light intensity. One way I've gotten
>>around this is to prop up smaller plants by placing their pots on some sort
>>of support. The pots may be lowered as the plant grows, always keeping the
>>apex only a short distance from the light. (sorry if you've already thought
>>of this and it seems obvious!).

I was concearned about this. But Geoff Wong, who has been growing
under lights for well over 10 years, said he thought it would be OK
if I had 3-4 4' tubes, and reflectors on all the surface I could spare.
He even puts reflectors on the front of his tanks when he goes on

My indoor tank will only be for nepenthes, and I will probably
have to put some of the really short plants on a shelf of some type.
I should do a wooden mockup.
