Re: Propagating Butterworts: words for beginners

Rick Walker (
Thu, 13 May 93 16:13:51 PDT

In message <> you write:


> Also I've found a medium of perlite and vermiculite w/ very little or
> no peat to result in more vigorous plants (C.A. Pings) and brighter
> flowers. But for starting leaf cuttings a mix with some peat works
> best.

I've come to exactly the same conclusion. In peaty mixtures the roots
are destroyed by either rot or fungus-gnat worms. In nearly pure
vermiculite, the plants seem to do very well.

> Anyway, what seems to work best for my CA pings is placing the pots in a
> fishtank w/ a glass lid and growlight plus northern daylight, the above soil
> mixture and high humidity but no standing water. As long as I watch the
> humidity, they prefer this to standing in water.

Mine are in a tray with a clear plastic lid that sits in a greenhouse.
I don't let the plants stand in water either, but I keep them constantly
damp. About once a week I give them a spraying with dilute Miracid
solution. (1/4 tsp/gallon).

> There is a ping newsletter I keep meaning to subscribe to but always
> forget to send off a letter, and now I've lost the address. If anyone
> out there knows the address of the publisher, I'd appreciate hearing
> from you.


Ping Society
c/o Stan Lampard
196 Hole Lane
Northfield, Birmingham
B31 2DB, England

> I guess this is my formal intro to the group.


Maybe, when you get a chance, you can post your growing list and we can
work out some trades :-).

You can get a list of what several others are growing from the cp archives...

Rick Walker