Re: CP

Jan Schlauer (
Mon, 7 Dec 92 11:17:53 +0100

I need to know (most importantly) how the stigmas look like.
I suppose they are two-cleft at the base *and* repeatedly branched upwards
(if they look like this, they should be *gradually* broadening towards the
apex). The other (more unlikely) possibility would be that they are *only*
once two-cleft at the base (in this case they shold be widened apically by
an obvious abrupt swelling, so the stigma appears to be knob like).
Please try to quantify petal length in the open flower.
And finally, when capsules are ripe, examine seed morphology (egg-like or
spindle-shaped ?).

Please be aware these features are all quite microscopic (so a hand lens or
microscope is recommended).

TNX a lot for info