Re: D. auriculata dormancy

Ninja Squirrel Master (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Wed, 6 May 92 09:28:31 PDT

>>>Also, saw the Japanimation flick Akira last night. VERY good if you like
>>>animation. I think it's the #1 movie in Japan (non-animation included). Good
>>The missus and I enjoy animation. It's worth the rental? A lot of
>>japanese animation is sore of Speed-racerish in appearance. Yuch. How's this?

Noooooo comparison. This is an animated movie, and the animation is so
good you can forget you're watching a movie. To fully appreciate this
movie you need to get the laser disk which has digital sound, and listen
to it through your stereo. Soundtrack is also out on CD.

Another good japanimation is MegaZone Part 1 & 2.