Re: D. auriculata dormancy

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Mon, 4 May 92 20:06:51 MST

OH YES, now I remember.

A note to you out there growing D. coccicaulis from Allen Lowrie---I
know Rob M is. Are your plants still flowering? I have some plants from
Gordon called "D. villosa `Orgelgeburge'" which are clearly not that plant.
Well the latter is flowering BUT I FORGOT to make notes of what the flowers
of the D. coccicaulis were like. Here's the colouration of the
"villosa"---do they match?

Petals pink---elliptical. I didn't note if they were notched.
Ovary---fat and green
Filaments---close together in cylindrical bundle, almost look like
they're fused like a hibiscus. White.
Style---about 6---7 (some forked near base). Branched at tips to produce
3-5 endpoints. Style/stigma pink.

A very colourful flower. The petals weren't strongly reflexed like I recall
on the coccicaulis, but it wasn't as clear a day. Vegetatively the two
plants are very similar.


P.S. Yay! Germination on my S. psitticina `anthocyanin free' seeds!

P.P.S. Senor Taylor. I have a U. monanthos which has flowered and turned
out to be the genuine article. Do you know if this plant is chilled in
cultivation? It's a New Zealander from the Lewis pass area. I know this
area gets cold, but I don't want to chill my plant if it might kill it.
Cute little flower.