Field trip (again!)

John Taylor [The Banshee] (
Tue, 10 Dec 91 22:29:30 +1100

I'm not sure if Paul mentioned it, but we have finally seen the U.
laterifolia plants growing at Langwarring F&F Reserve. They were
growing in one of the few boggy sites (the rest is dry old
sand-dunes/heathlands), not far from the stand of D. binata and D.
spathulata plants. There were a few flowers open and there also
appeared to be many flower stalks/buds (although I didn't have a close
look, so these could be some other plant). The brings up the total
number of CPs found at the site to about 8 or 9.

The D. auriculata plants have all died and dried, as have all the
Polypomphlyx plants (no sign at all). However, the "mystery" aquatic
Utric. has reappeared in the old reservoir after hiding out over winter
(I doubt it forms turions, but it may sink or hide amongst the reeds and
other water weeds). Suprisingly, it doesn't seem concerned about algae,
which is something of a killer with home-grown plants.