Re: cp

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Thu, 7 Nov 91 17:15:47 MST

>I usually don't get a chance to see the color - I just kill 'em as soon
>as I see 'em. Use pyrethrum spray and make sure you hit them or it
>won't be any good (we bought concentrate - it works out cheaper and you
>can strengthen the mix if it didn't work the first time).

Ever since Don Schnell told me he uses pyrethrum sprays without problems
I've been looking all over for it. The only place I've ever seen it is in
Tick and Flea dip. I've also been looking, fruitlessly, for malathion in
powder form. Don says he uses ``malathion 25% WP'' where WP stands for
``wettable powder.'' Seen plenty of Diazinon powder but no Malathion.
Apparently some of the solvents used in liquid malathion are potentially
CP unfriendly. On a related note, I read once that ``Round-Up'' (a
commonly used herbicide) is dangerous even though it claims it isn't.
Get this loophole: none of the *active* ingredients are dangerous to
people, but the 97% *inert* ingredients are! The inert ingredients don't
have to be detailed on the label. At least, this is what I've read.

>(Probably mentioned this before, but anyway) We use a piece of cloth, which
>has holes too small for gemmae to get through but enough for air, tied over
>the end of a vacuum-cleaner nozzle and simply suck them up! CAUTION: make
>sure your plants are very well rooted...

This is funny. No, I'm sure you haven't posted this information before!

My N. maxima hybrid from Don has produced a fantastic and big pitcher.
Simply lovely. This plant has gone to my very short list of favoured
Nepenthes, EVEN though it's a hybrid.