Re: Damn ants

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Wed, 11 Sep 91 08:44:26 +1000

>>I don't have problems with ants but with MOSQUITOES! I have my
>>plants in trays of water and I guess because I don't empty them
>>out now and then, the mosquites start to breed in them...
>>I hate to remove all the plants, empty out the water from the
>>trays, scrub them free of moss, and put the plants in again...
>>Any easier way??

Are your trays clear? I've been using some clear trays and
they grow moss a lot faster than opaque trays.

As far as the mosquitos, the only thing I could recommend
is planting lots of hardy drosera, so the adults can't get
close enough to the water to lay eggs.