Who can get Australian Utricularia?

From: Markus Reut (flora@datacomm.ch)
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 23:57:25 PST

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 08:57:25 +0100
From: "Markus Reut" <flora@datacomm.ch>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg3605$foo@default>
Subject: Who can get Australian Utricularia?

Hello CP friends!

I'm a Swiss botanist, new to cp digest, and interested in growing
and studying Australian Utricularia (exclusively subgenus
Polypompholyx and section Pleiochasia). We had U. violacea, and we
currently cultivate U. dichotoma and U. uniflora at the Botanical
Gardens in Basel. I would like to complete the collection with more
than 30 other species (see below). For the systematic studies I
primarily need voucher specimens. As I unfortunately haven't got
time to travel to Australia, I would very much appreciate to obtain
plants from collectors - from the field or from cultivation. So if
anybody is out there wanting to help me out, please contact me
(flora@datacomm.ch); ph ++41 62 844 0259 (fax is the same, but not
always working). Cheers, Markus

These are the plants I'm looking for (all Utricularia): tenella,
multifida, westonii, menziesii, volubilis, helix, benthamii,
inaequalis, paulinea, beaugleholei, kimberleyensis, georgei,
hamiltonii, triflora, arnhemica, tridactyla, singeriana, fistulosa,
tubulata, lasiocaulis, kamienskii, kenneallyi, leptorhyncha,
albiflora, quinquedentata, holtzei, rhododactylos, cheiranthos,
capilliflora, dunlopii, dunstaniae, antennifera

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