New e-mail and ICPS conference

From: Arauco Schifman (
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 20:25:13 PDT

Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 21:25:13 -0600
From: "Arauco Schifman" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2006$foo@default>
Subject: New e-mail and ICPS conference


Many of you probably don't know me. My name is Arauco Schifman
and I'm growing CP's for 3 years. I live in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. I went to the SF conference and I think that it was
really great, specially to have the chance of meet some people that
you only know by reading the CP digest. In the next months I'm
planning to do a research of the natural habitats of the Drosera
brevifolia in Argentina. It grows in sandy, humid, acid soils of
the provinces of Entre Ri'os and Corrientes, to the West of
Uruguay and the Rio Grande do Sul State of Brazil (Fernando, you
know those places, don't you? : - )). If I come back with
success from this trip I will try to study the structure and
functioning of the populations (if there is some!!!) of D.
brevifolia in order to understand the mechanisms that can affect
their survivorship, with the main purpose of maintain the natural
habitat of this pretty species (and proud of having one
representative of the Drosera genus in Argentina, but there are
other ob servations made in the northern provinces of Drosera
communis var. pauciflora, and Drosera uniflora in Tierra del Fuego
and other chilly places of the south). That's all for the

Kind regards Arauco

P.S.: This is my new e-mail address

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