This database is built on information from Jan Schlauer's World Carnivorous Plant List, contributions from the members of the CP listserver mailing list, the International Carnivorous Plant Society, and other regional CP societies. Other textual information may be found in the CP listserv archives. Plant, seed and pollen exchange/selling/trading may be done at the Carnivorous Plant Trading Post. Other interesting CP locations may be found here. This system is running on Hewlett-Packard hardware.

This database includes over 3000 entries giving an exhaustive nomenclatural synopsis of all Carnivorous Plants. Currently recognized, valid, entries are shown in the database in boldface . For some entries, pictures or other information is available, by clicking on highlighted descriptions in the entry.

Enter a search pattern in the box below. All entries in the database that contain that pattern will be printed. Take care that you don't type a trivial string or your response may be quite large! If you have never used this system before, you might like to take a look at a definition of the database entry format. If your browser doesn't have FORMS capability, then use this alternative browser interface.

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Rick Walker
Agilent Labs, Palo Alto